The original District 35 (Meyer) school was a log structure built around 1868. As the population of the area grew, so did the need for a larger school. A one-room, yellow brick school was built about ¼ mile away from the log school sometime between 1905 and 1908. The yellow brick was eventually covered with the white clapboard we see today.

At its peak, 25 students attended the school — their desks bolted to the floor in rows. Classes taught at Meyer School school included reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, language and grammar, history, government, music, and drawing. Up until 1917, when anti-german sentiment was heightened throughout the country due to the recent U.S. involvement in World War I, classes were taught in English and German.
The school officially closed after the 1968 school year. It is now owned by the St Cloud Area School District. Modern students still visit the old schoolhouse on field trips.